ETSI LTA Signature Augmentation & Validation Plugtests 2023


Plugtests details

ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI) is organizing a Plugtests interoperability event about augmentation of digital signatures to LTA (Long-Term Archive) level and validation of LTA level digital signatures.

This event will be run remotely from 23 October to 22 December 2023.

The participation is free of charge

The aim of the event is to check the interoperability of digital signatures augmentation to LTA level and validation capacities of LTA level signatures of the participants to help them detect possible issues which may lead to different augmentation and/or validation results.


The interoperability testing will allow participants to test their digital signature validation tools and to cross-validate ETSI Electronic Signatures/Seals relying on EU Member States' Trusted Lists (based on TS 119 612 and TS 119 615 )

and according to the following standards:

  • EN 319 102-1 Procedures for Creation and Validation of AdES Digital Signatures; Part 1: Creation and Validation
  • TS 119 102-2 Procedures for Creation and Validation of AdES Digital Signatures; Part 2: Signature Validation Report
  • TS 119 172-4 Signature Validation Policy for European Qualified Electronic Signatures/Seals Using Trusted Lists
  • TS 119 312 Cryptographic Suites


Remote LTA Signature Augmentation & Validation Plugtests 23 October to 22 December 2023

Registration free of charge.

Register now at the ETSI web site Here

Signatures formats covered

All AdES Signature formats/containers will be addressed as follows:

  • XAdES: XML Digital Signature (EN 319 132-1/-2 and ETSI TS 103 171)
  • PAdES: PDF Digital Signature (EN 319 142-1/-2 and ETSI TS 103 172)
  • CAdES: CMS Digital Signature (EN 319 122-1/-2 and ETSI TS 103 173)
  • ASiC: Associated Signature Container (EN 319 162-1/-2 and ETSI TS 103 174)
  • JAdES: JSON Digital Signature (TS 119 182-1)
  • Incorporation of Evidence Record Syntax (ERS) mechanisms in CAdES (TS 119 122-3)
  • Incorporation of Evidence Record Syntax (ERS) mechanisms in XAdES (TS 119 132-3)